Thursday, May 12, 2011

Activists Trying to Stop Rape Beading in Kenya


Little girls are being pushed into sex with older men as a result of a practice called “rape beading.”

click to read

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Michelle Obama Dances with Kids on the White House Lawn (Video)

Yes, that’s Michelle getting down with some kids….again – changing what it means to be a first lady.

click to watch


Sunday, May 8, 2011

How Love Affects Your Brain

Ever wonder why you go out of your damn mind when you fall in love or end a relationship?  Well, scientists can tell you all about it. 

Click to read

Friday, May 6, 2011

Black Stroke Victims Call Family First, Not Doctors

A new study sheds light on decisions that African Americans tend to make when they are victims of strokes.

click to read. Thinks that Condoms are “Tacky” from the Black Eyed Peas seems to think that women who own condoms are “tacky”.

click to read


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Which of the 5 Dominant Personality Traits Are You?

From the UK Telegraph


Defined by an inventive and curious nature, open people generally have an appreciation for art, adventure, unusual ideas, curiosity, and variety of experience. They can be highly emotional.

They are sensitive to beauty and tend to be, compared to closed people, more creative and more aware of their feelings. They are more likely to hold unconventional beliefs.